Inspiration. Pass it On. / by Thomas Nguyen

I was in New York City on Tuesday and Wednesday for some business meetings.  We were driving in the city and I passed by this billboard advertisement.  You might have seen some of these around and I absolutely love them.  This is one of my favorites since 1) Norman Rockwell is one of my favorite American Painters, and 2) it spreads the word Inspiration.  

These ads are created by a non profit group known as  The Foundation For A Better Life.  It has no religious ties.  It does not accept any money donations since it is privately funded.  All they ask in return is for your to find motivation and values that help you become a better person and live a better life.  How amazing is that?

Here are some of my favorite billboards from them.


You can check out their website at  I hope you find some type of inspiration and motivation for 2010, and to pass it onto others.  Live well my friends and Happy 2010!