Grosvenor Park - 4/11/18
I've been reflecting a lot about where I am today, compared to where I was before. Things have changed, and mainly for the better. But there are parts of me that I miss. As I continue to evaluate myself, I realize there's an inner desire to go back to my roots. The roots of who I was, but ultimately deep down, who I always will be.
I understand that I won't be able to cram all that the things I loved right back into the present. Not right away at least. So in the meantime, I've been asking myself why I enjoyed certain things. As I get down to the core of the answers, I start to understand myself even better. This process then sparks an eagerness to take the next steps to re-introduce those elements back into my life.
My goal is to blog a bit more to share my progress and what I've learned. So, here goes nothing!